COVID-19 Update

At Ruese Insurance Group, we continue to monitor the ever-changing circumstances surrounding the coronavirus and want to ensure we are doing our part for the safety of our clients, employees and business partners.

Effective, Monday, March 30th we will be operating with limited staff at each office to contain and mitigate the spread of the virus.

We will continue to assist clients via the phone and email during our normal hours of operation, Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Please see below for phone numbers to each office and as well, direct links to our Insurance Carrier websites for payment processing.

Should you need your personal Customer Service Representative’s email address, please go to the Locations tab at the top of this page. Choose your respective office, then scroll and click on the name of your Customer Service Representative.

Ruese Insurance Group thanks you for your business and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate through these unprecedented times. Thank you!